Yacos Law

Yacos Law has been growing into a larger and established law firm but has an outdated website. I’m currently working on restructuring their current site for their growing business since they also are expanding and rapidly growing.  I am working on creating a user-centric responsive site empathizing with the user who is going through a divorce, and needing to find divorce lawyers they can trust. I wanted to introduce the lawyers and team at the top so the user could feel at ease with whom they were choosing, while also exposing many of their great reviews from previous clients. Further down is where they could get down to business in learning more about the process, as well as attending their many events. Throughout the site, there are CTA’s that will bring them immediately to the “Contact Us” section making sure there is always an actionable task. I am working with my client’s needs as well as keeping the user in mind to create an easy to use site for someone who may be going through a very tough and complicated procedure. This is currently a work in progress.